Safety Guidelines


Waterford City & County Angling Club

Safety Rules and Guidelines

The following rules and guidelines are applicable to all anglers (Club and Permit holders) using the facilities at both Carrigavantry and Knockaderry lakes.

All anglers using the facilities should familiar themselves with: “The Safe Operation of Recreational Craft”  –  gov – Code of Practice for the Safe Operation of Recreational Craft (

IMPORTANT NOTE: This club is a nonprofit organisation. All income is used for restocking and to upgrade and maintain the facilities (by volunteers). Costs associated with damage and maintenance, reduces the amount of finance needed for restocking.


    1. Only anglers with the appropriate experience may take charge of a boat, and only two anglers are permitted in the boat.
    2. The consumption of alcohol or drugs that may impact performance are strictly prohibited.
    3. Life jackets must be worn once a person enters the gate of the pontoon area and must be worn at all times while angling.
    4. In the event of severe adverse weather conditions (such as lightning), stop fishing and return to shore until the weather event passes.
    5. The boat must be kept clean and tidy at all times and must be returned to the pontoon in a clean and immediately usable condition.
      1. Tie and lock up the boat and oars securely.
      2. Remove all mud and weed from the anchor before landing it in the boat,
      3. Clean down and bail out the boat after use.
      4. Remove all discarded leader and flies from the boat and take it home for appropriate disposal.
    6. The boat should have two oars, oar pins and an anchor and rope. Do Not use the boat if it is not in a safe condition and report the defect to an appropriate club member.
    7. Both facilities are fly fishing only. Bait fishing, spinning or trolling flies are not permitted.
    8. Wear glasses to protect your eyes and never stand up whilst angling.
    9. Underage anglers must be accompanied by an approved adult guardian at all times.
    10. Only paid-up members and current ticket holders are permitted to fish or enter inside the pontoon gates.

Angling Etiquette:

  • Allow an appropriate distance between boats while passing, anchoring or drifting.
  • Remove all litter and bring it home for appropriate disposal.
  • Immediately help any boat that needs assistance.

In the event of an emergency, immediately contact the emergency services on 112 or 999. Stay calm and speak clearly.